Screenshots Back to the OSP Complete Archive

TitleProject Nebula


One of the opening shot. An earth planetary HQ getting blown up by the Klarmosh. This scene is actually a combination of a computer drawn scenery with a digitized building. The building was then "damaged" with a paint program.

The player's mothership, a small corvette named "Sullivan"

There were many locations on the ship, and many characters you could interact with. Here the comm officer makes a general annoucement.

This game was going to be the first OSP title to make use of the mouse. It was at this time that I began to tweak with mouse driver interrupts.

Another digitized background. This is manhattan after an assault by the Klarmosh.

One of the cutscenes, the Sullivan reaches earth to find it devastated.

Your mission briefings usually involved Captain Barasso giving out orders in front of the briefing screen.

A view from the cockpit. This was far from being the final version of it. It was only a rough draft for testing purposes. Unfortunately the project got scrapped before a better one could be drawn.

Another shot of the game's engine. It was going to be at the level of the Wing Commander I and II engine.

One of the numerous cutscenes that were designed for this game.